Aditi Purwar

Aditi Purwar

Aditi Purwar is  a visual artist and a graphic storyteller,  pursuing a Masters in Graphic Storytelling from Luca School of Arts, Brussels, Belgium.She has   self published a graphic narrative as a school project ‘The tea cup set’, and is currently working on a graphic novel ‘The sky is filled with water’. Aditi did her bachelors in fine arts in painting from College of Art, Delhi, India. She was born and brought up in Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh. With her stories and drawings Aditi presents the contemporary manner of living in myriad ways. Th naarrative structure of the graphics gives her purpose to immerse in her visuals. Aditi hopes to work on more visual stories in the future individually or collectively which touch the hearts of people and provide meaing to their lives.